Capitolino ® pro MNCD PRO TICHE’
Solidarity heaven.
Solidarity heavenly sequoia Digest resins
like manna to rain as I
give a warning to others' heads
celebrate with my riot at parties
Inaccessible to those who want to betray,
and the power of rever sing in main stream
it arrivessinuo us as a 'viperto punish
venom in which holding them to rot
Dioxide as an asphyxiant marc
them perish from the fumes of hunting dogs
to bring back clean air to his followers sovereign
in his protected the stars for a great tomorrow
Meryluise IS SIA
7th and 8th July 2011 Gotha Sun Moon Earth 7 July 8, 2011 Pre Vespertine Capitoline NASA images Collage Artists lunation 1095 hours the next day and night in Rome Aphrodite Ascending Albedo risen moon in Libra 3 The Lady Librante Legality 7 7 2011 10:40 UTC Albedo 40% raised next 8 hours 7 2011 Luna 11: 52 UTC ALBEDO 52% sunset 22:07 UTC ALBEDO Moon Calendar Moon Phases and 57% of solar Rome Capitoline time between the rise of the two luminaries and their sunset as daylight and night light. ASTROLOGY OF THE GREEK UNIVERSITY LIBERAL ARTS 7 Poetry MNCD pro ® PRO IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrologer in Brand Management
In pre-announcing then wrote that even elaborate on my page of Astrology Greek I'll get in mainstream of the elite of ancient Greece and Rome.
Who better than you they can represent the continuity between these two populations of 'antiquity, in fact, have been in his protector in the war of Troy, the Trojans, who were then defeated by the Athenians, our Venus, which I submitted as Ash, in her role as wife of the god Vulcan Hefesto, I explained our Venus Aphrodite, or rather manifests in our war between the two peoples, its natural human passion to the young son Aeneas, born of his love affair with the Trojan Anchises, a son who will try to defend in every way so u should not perish during the battles in defense of Troy.
From Greece to the shores of the legendary war Tyrrhenian where Aeneas lands to escape his enemies, and that's coming, on the lands in central Italy, then expands her seed, which generates the twins Romulus and Remus who will give life to the civilization of ' Ancient Rome.
East and West of Rome than in Greece, Eastern and Western blend into the son of Aphrodite and create a large population
This is the Moon today synonymous with a principle of law resulting from librante Libra, Libra, who comes to find his center of gravity in two seemingly different worlds but still Creates a similar genetic strain.
A center of gravity that this Moon is in being the bearer of glad tidings as a symbol of the Morning Star and Evening Star, as the one that preceded the rising of the sun and its down at sunset, a reference point that even secular accused of demonic deception has never lost its appeal as a planet, especially being so close to the Sun to be Earth's announcer.
This moon is configured feminine and masculine, bright and shiny, and faded in the twilight after twilight space serving as a global clock, its phosphorescence, its shine over time led her to become the Star or more of all the Planet peoples land, the best known, most popular, most loved, adored the most.
But the flip side, this is another allegory which I tend to identify the Moon in Libra, the results have many enemies and people who wage war, it seems that this moon must always defend something that has created as a child of both material spiritual, debba always prove his worth, his strength his ability to live up to the attributes of Venus of splendor and procreative instinct, his own sensuality, sparking concern fearsome fighting instincts of foreclosure and to understand it.
His own ability to find a way to quell the conflict lies in ignorance and aggression occlusion general, it is feared she may lose the head to subdue those passions unleash Trojan who have seen the King of Troy Helen totally dependent.
Yet his legend to the door in spite of this popularity and the adoration the world as well as its reputation.
... Continue
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Inviato in data 02/lug/2011 17:36 da Meryluise Astrologa
Inviato in data 01/lug/2011 23:57 da Meryluise Astrologa
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06 luglio 2011
05 luglio 2011
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Una novità per presentare idee e fotogrammi.Idee e copyright Meryluise Astrologa ASTROLOGIA GRECA Doc. mini presentazione foto e didascalie sul Sole.Idee e copyright Meryluise Astrologapubblicato 07/apr/2010 14.29 da Meryluise Astrologa SOLE IN DIAPOSITIVA DA VEDERE CON ...
Inviato in data 10/apr/2010 00:57 da Meryluise Astrologa - Meryluise Astrologa dal sito ufficiale Campagna Pro Cerco Lavoro.Inizio da me.Idee e copyright Meryluise Astrologavenerdì 12 marzo 2010, 15.51.52 | Meryluise Astrologa SIAMO IN CAMPAGNA ELETTORALE PRO CERCO LAVORO SALVE MNCD for Tiche Sono io Salve NEWS SOLO PER IMPRESE INIZIO DI CAMPAGNA ...
Inviato in data 22/mar/2010 17:43 da Meryluise Astrologa
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- Nove proverba o neologismi inventati 2^ parte completa articolo del 23 giugno Meyluise Astrologa Idee e copyright MNCD pro TICHE' pubblicato 23/giu/2010 04.16 da Meryluise Astrologa [ aggiornato in data 23/giu/2010 06.26 ] Antetna prima dell' esplosione ,signea nuova firma nuova rivelazione ,fenicotterithemi la giustizia ...
Inviato in data 27/giu/2010 03:54 da Meryluise Astrologa - Nove proverba o neologismi inventati Meyluise Astrologa Idee e copyright MNCD pro TICHE' Antetna prima dell' esplosione ,signea nuova firma nuova rivelazione ,fenicotterithemi la giustizia dei fenicotteri, THEMISTEYODIIPETES rendere giustizia proveniente da Zeus o anche DIIPETESDIKE, eitapobaino prima o poi si avvera ...
Inviato in data 23/giu/2010 06:26 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Nove proverba o neologismi inventati da Meyluise Astrologa 2^parte approfondimenti STONE AGE o GEA s TONE.Idee e copyright Meryluise Astrologa Novo inserimento GAIALATTICA La seconda parte che conclude l'articolo pubblicato il 12 giugno 2010 dandone le definizioni ,è una scoperta attraverso le proverba da me inventate di Gea come ...
Inviato in data 15/giu/2010 00:30 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Nove proverba neologismi inventati da Meryluise Astrologa 1^parte definizione sommaria.Idee e copyright Meryluise Astrologa IgeAbreemera erba della guarigione prodotta dal pianeta durante le luci solari,fylloncrisoo foglia d'oro,epicureide aiuto inviato da parte degli Deii entità spirituali,, manierigei costruzioni o residenze di campagna ...
Inviato in data 12/giu/2010 19:58 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Nove proverba dei Delphini Neologismi inventati da Meryluise Astrologa Tripudio ai Delphini e a quelli Rosa.Idee e copyright Meryluise Astrologa MNCD pro TICHE' I Delphini continuano nel senso eterno a captare la proverba contro l'inferno per salvare chi il cielo Benedì.MNCD pro TICHE' Immagini rare dei Delphini rosa 14 ESEMPLARI AVVISTATI ...
Inviato in data 08/giu/2010 20:15 da Meryluise Astrologa
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- 7 e 8 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole Luna Terra 7 8 luglio 2011 Pre Vespertino Capitolino immagini NASA con Collage Pittori lunazione 1095 prossime ore diurne e notturne su Roma Albedo levata Luna Aphrodite Crescente in Bilancia 3 L Lady Librante Legalità 10:40 UTC 7 7 2011 Albedo 40% prossima levata 8 7 2011 Luna ore 11: 52 UTC ALBEDO 52% il tramonto Luna 22:07 UTC ALBEDO 57% Calendario Fasi lunari e solari su Roma orario capitolino tra il sorgere dei due luminari e il loro tramonto come luce diurna e luce notturna . ASTROLOGIA GRECA UNIVERSITARIA DELLE 7 ARTI LIBERALI Poesia ® pro MNCD PRO TICHE’ copyright Meryluise Astrologa in Brand Management 7 e 8 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole Luna Terra 7 8 luglio 2011 Pre Vespertino Capitolino immagini NASA con Collage Pittori lunazione 1095 prossime ore diurne e notturne su ...
Inviato in data 16 minuti fa da Meryluise Astrologa - 5 7 2011Annunci recenti Caro BO sono una fuoriclasse della parola es.Meryluise Elite of the Sun light with the Moon copyright for all Stars in sight ® pro MNCD PRO TICHE5 7 2011Annunci recenti Caro BO sono una fuoriclasse della parola es.MeryluiseElite of the Sun light with the Moon copyright for all Stars in sight meryluiseastri questo copyright è in lingua universale ,l'inglese e internazionale in senso lato grazie per l'attenzione Presidente Obama 5 7 2011Annunci recenti Caro BO sono una fuoriclasse della parola es.Meryluise Elite of the Sun light with the Moon copyright for all Stars in sight ® pro MNCD PRO ...
Inviato in data 05/lug/2011 15:47 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Inviato in data 02/lug/2011 23:37 da Meryluise Astrologa -
1 to 2 July 2011 The New Gotha Sun Moon 7 1 2011 8:53 UTC July 1, 2011 Capitol Land Vespertine NASA images and Collage New Calendar DOFFING MOON in Cancer hours 4:43 UTC 02.07.2011 ALBEDO 0% THE MOON SUNSET 1 7 2011 19:34 UTC ephemeris is now the moon sets 18:08 UTC Moon in Cancer as Lady Hestia Accipite Album Calendar Moon phases of Rome Capitoline time between the rise of the two luminaries and their sunset as daylight and night light. ASTROLOGY OF THE GREEK UNIVERSITY LIBERAL ARTS 7 Poetry MNCD PRO IONS 'Published Meryluise Astrology 1 to 2 July 2011 The New Gotha Sun Moon 7 1 2011 8:53 UTC July 1, 2011 Capitol Land Vespertine NASA images and Collage New Calendar DOFFING MOON ...
Inviato in data 01/lug/2011 23:46 da Meryluise Astrologa - Post 30 6 2011 11: 40 UTC Progetto Spot Brand del Gotha Sole Luna Terra Albedo Poesia Calendari Astrologia Greca Edizioni web Cultura Nottole Scoop News ® pro MNCD PRO TICHE’ copyright Meryluise Astrologa in Brand Management Aggiornato 11:43 UTC Post 30 6 2011 11: 40 UTC Progetto Spot Brand del Gotha Sole Luna Terra Albedo Poesia Calendari Astrologia Greca Edizioni web Cultura Nottole Scoop News ...
Inviato in data 30/giu/2011 14:20 da Meryluise Astrologa
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Inviato in data 19 ore fa da Meryluise Astrologa - 5 6 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole Luna Terra 5 luglio 2011 Post Vespertino Capitolino immagini NASA Collage e Calendario TRAMONTO LUNA VERGINE 21:19 UTC Albedo 23 % Luna Demeter Crescente in Vergine nome Lady Spiga Divina Commedia dalla Levata su Roma 8:16 UTC 5 7 2011 effemeridi ALBEDO 18 % Domani 6 7 2011 la sua levata è alle 9:28 UTC Albedo 29% Fase falce Crescente trmonto Luna alle ore 21:38 UTC albedo 34% Calendario Fasi lunari e solari su Roma orario capitolino tra il sorgere dei due luminari e il loro tramonto come luce diurna e luce notturna . ASTROLOGIA GRECA UNIVERSITARIA DELLE 7 ARTI LIBERALI Poesia ® pro MNCD PRO TICHE’ copyright Meryluise Astrologa in Brand Management 5 6 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole Luna Terra 5 luglio 2011 Post Vespertino Capitolino immagini NASA Collage e Calendario TRAMONTO LUNA VERGINE 21:19 UTC Albedo 23 % Luna Demeter ...
Inviato in data 06/lug/2011 00:51 da Meryluise Astrologa -
July 5, 2011 4 The Gotha Earth Sun Moon July 4, 2011 Pre Vespertine Capitoline NASA images and Collage Calendar SUNSET MOON IN LEO 20:40 UTC Albedo 14% in the Crescent Moon Hecate named Lady Leo Publishing Majesty of Rome by Moonrise 7:05 UTC 4 7 10% 2011 ephemeris ALBEDO its sunset at 20:40 UTC Albedo 14% 7 2011 5th Somani has raised her to 8: 1 6 UTC Albedo 18% phase at 1:38 UTC Ascending Galco 5 7 2011 Moon Phases Calendar and solar capitol of Rome time between the rise of the two luminaries and their sunset as daylight and night light. ASTROLOGY OF THE GREEK UNIVERSITY LIBERAL ARTS 7 Poetry MNCD pro ® PRO IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrologer in Brand Management July 5, 2011 4 The Gotha Earth Sun Moon July 4, 2011 Pre Vespertine Capitoline NASA images and Collage Calendar SUNSET MOON IN LEO 20:40 UTC Albedo 14% in ...
Inviato in data 04/lug/2011 23:38 da Meryluise Astrologa -
2 -3 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole LunaTerra 2 luglio 2011 Pre Vespertino Capitolino immagini NASA Collage e Calendario LEVATA ore 4:43 UTC LUNA Nuova in Cancro ALBEDO 0 % Lady Hestia Accipia Album IL SUO TRAMONTO 19:34 UTC Luna Crescente Leone dalla Levata su Roma 5:53 UTC 3 7 2011 effemeridi ALBEDO 2% Calendario Fasi lunari su Roma orario capitolino tra il sorgere dei due luminari e il loro tramonto come luce diurna e luce notturna . ASTROLOGIA GRECA UNIVERSITARIA DELLE 7 ARTI LIBERALI Poesia ® pro MNCD PRO TICHE’ copyright Meryluise Astrologa in Brand Management 2 -3 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole LunaTerra 2 luglio 2011 Pre Vespertino Capitolino immagini NASA Collage e Calendario LEVATA ore 4:43 UTC LUNA Nuova in Cancro ALBEDO 0 ...
Inviato in data 02/lug/2011 18:17 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Poetry of the first seven days in 2011''AS A QUESTION ANSWER ...'' week 26 day 181 of the 2011 'New Moon in Cancer hours raised in Rome 3:37 UTC Luna Lady Hestia Accipite Album In poetry, are little used and included 4 terms all with the letter A which provides the definition of a poem signed with the initials C and 3 3 and CCC stands that complement and complete summary obtained from the term came to be formed with the upper end of the verses in close cohesion with the EEE acronym stands that rises hermetic etheric essence of the meaning of ® proPRO MNCD IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrology also found in Brand Management Gotha Vespertine Capitoline ® MNCD proPRO FEATURES Poetry of the first seven days in 2011''AS A QUESTION ANSWER ...'' week 26 day 181 of the 2011 'New Moon in Cancer hours raised in Rome 3:37 UTC ...
Inviato in data 01/lug/2011 23:37 da Meryluise Astrologa
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Inviato in data 05/lug/2011 23:13 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Poem of the day July 4, 2011''27 days''week 184 2011 1095 lunation next day and night in Rome in the Albedo Moonrise Ascending Hecate Lady Leo Publishing Majesty 7 4 2011 7:05 UTC Sunset Moon Albedo 10% 20 : 40 UTC ALBEDO 14% raised next 5 7 2011 Luna Alba UTC poems signed with the initials C and 3 3 and CCC stands that complement and complete summary obtained from the term came to be formed with the upper end of the verses in close cohesion under the symbol EEE stands that rises hermetic etheric essence of the meaning of pro ® PRO MNCD IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrology also found in Brand Management Gotha Vespertine Capitoline pro ® PRO MNCD IONS' Poem of the day July 4, 2011''27 days''week 184 2011 1095 lunation next day and night in Rome in the Albedo Moonrise Ascending Hecate Lady Leo Publishing Majesty ...
Inviato in data 04/lug/2011 21:15 da Meryluise Astrologa -
Poem of the day July 3, of 2011' Jewelry beads weeks 26 days 183 2011 1095 lunation next day and night in Rome raised Albedo Crescent Moon Hecate Lady Leo Solar Corona 3 7 2011 5:53 UTC 3:40 UTC Alba Essay poetic signed with the initials C and 3 or 3 and CCC stands for complement and complete summary obtained from the term came to be formed with the upper end of the verses in close cohesion with the acronym that stands EEE rises hermetic essence of the meaning of etheric ® PRO Pro MNCD IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrology also found in Brand Management Gotha Vespertine Capitoline MNCD pro ® PRO FEATURES Poem of the day July 3, of 2011' Jewelry beads weeks 26 days 183 2011 1095 lunation next day and night in Rome raised Albedo Crescent Moon Hecate Lady Leo ...
Inviato in data 04/lug/2011 14:13 da Meryluise Astrologa - Poem of the day July 2,2011 Igea door of a sphere of weeks 26 days 182 2011 1096 lunation next day and night on Rome Albedo 2% hours 19:34 UTC Moonset in Cancer New 18:49 UTC Sun Lady Hestia Album Accipite raised Crescent Moon Hecate Lady Leo Solar Corona 3 7 2011 5:53 UTC 3:40 UTC sunrise poems signed with the initials C and 3 or 3 and CCC stands for complement and complete summary obtained from the term came to be formed with head of capital letters of the verses in close cohesion with the acronym that stands EEE rises hermetic etheric essence of the meaning of pro ® PRO MNCD IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrology also found in Brand Management Gotha Vespertine Capitoline MNCD pro ® PRO FEATURES Poem of the day July 2,2011 Igea door of a sphere of weeks 26 days 182 2011 1096 lunation next day and night on Rome Albedo 2% hours 19 ...
Inviato in data 02/lug/2011 17:50 da Meryluise Astrologa -
1 -2 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole Luna Nuova 8:53 UTC 1 7 2011 Terra Vespertino Capitolino 1 luglio 2011 immagini NASA Collage e Calendario LEVATA DELLA LUNA Nuova in Cancro ore 4:43 UTC 2-7-2011 ALBEDO 0 % IL TRAMONTO LUNA 19:34 UTC effemeridi 1 7 2011 oggi la Luna è tramonta 18:08 UTC Luna in Cancro nome Lady Hestia Accipia Album Calendario Fasi lunari su Roma orario capitolino tra il sorgere dei due luminari e il loro tramonto come luce diurna e luce notturna . ASTROLOGIA GRECA UNIVERSITARIA DELLE 7 ARTI LIBERALI Poesia MNCD PRO TICHE’ Edito Meryluise Astrologa 1 -2 Luglio 2011 Il Gotha Sole Luna Nuova 8:53 UTC 1 7 2011 Terra Vespertino Capitolino 1 luglio 2011 immagini NASA Collage e Calendario LEVATA DELLA LUNA Nuova ...
Inviato in data 01/lug/2011 23:54 da Meryluise Astrologa
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Inviato in data 21/lug/2010 19:05 da Meryluise Astrologa -
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